Wednesday 5 March 2008

You Make My Day Award

Wow I have been nominated a You make my day award by Tara at Tarasdesigns. Thanks Tara. Now I know I am meant to award five other people but I think everyone I know has been nominated but I will do Adele at I love looking at her blog and read that she has been feeling down a bit lately, so hopefully this will cheer her up.

I will also nominate Julie Hickey at

I don't know anyone else so will nominate my two sons who also have blogs

Sam at and Jordan at

Sorry but I am not sure how I am meant to link them yet. I am still learning. I will practise this and edit when I can.
What you need to do : 1) Write a post with links to 5 blogs you find of interest and that inspire you. 2) Acknowledge the post of the award giver. 3) Display the logo 'You make my day' 4) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blog.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hi Tracy

You have won some PIF candy from me, would you please email me your postal address. My email is

Natalie x